Friday, August 20, 2010

Asian Adventures in Eating

     As I think about what I like to cook, I've decided that Asian food is my go-to cuisine. I cook Indian and Thai food more than I cook plain ole American fare (by a lot). For dinner the other night, I made Vietnamese Summer Rolls and a Thai Green Curry with basmati rice (which is typically Indian, but I didn't have the traditional Jasmine rice). I love both of these dishes because you can turn semi-normal ingredients into something crazy-flavorful and exotic with just a few off-the-beaten-path ingredients. Here are some pictures from my cooking extravaganza. By the way. . . I didn't have to go to the store for any of this. I had it all on hand.

Ingredients for the Thai peanut dipping sauce

Ingredients for the Vietnamese Summer Rolls

Ingredients for the Thai Green Curry

Our Asian spread: Vietnamese Summer Rolls with a peanut dipping sauce, Thai tea, and Thai Green Curry


Carol said...

Better than you can get in any resturant. Girl you are fabulous and if you forget that just ask Adam.

Brandi Hart said...

You are too sweet, Carol!

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