Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3 Months Down. . . A Lifetime To Go!

I can't believe our sweet baby girl is already 3 months old. The time has just flown by! Sara Beth is a happy baby most of the time (except, of course, when she gets gas pains in her tummy). My favorite time with her is when she wakes up in the morning. When I hear her start to stir, I move her bassinet in front of the window and open the curtains so the sunshine can pour in on her. I say "Good Morning, Sunshine!" and she almost always gives me a precious smile. So sweet!
     This month has been filled with lots of "firsts", as you would expect--- her first time at a restaurant, her first laugh, her first time to turn over, and her first time to sleep through the night. It's also been a time for play dates. In the past 2 weeks, we've had three of them. We've really enjoyed the chance to get together with friends!
     Sara Beth doesn't have her 3 month check up with Dr. Ritch until Thursday, so I don't know her exact weight and height yet. But, we had an appointment a week and a half ago (where we found out that she has baby eczema) and she weighed in at 11 pounds and 15 ounces. She's definitely growing like a weed! Her eczema is looking much better now, by the way. Her hair, however, is a different story. She sports her "Alfalfa" sprout in the back and she's beginning to lose some hair on the sides too. I wonder if it will grow back lighter than it is now. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are considerably lighter than her hair. Hmmm. We'll just have to wait and see!
*** Update 8/5/10*** Today was SB's 3 month check-up. Everything looks good. They did a routine check for anemia and it came back negative. Her eczema is much, much better. Her official measurements are: Height 24 inches (75th percentile), Weight 12 pounds, 9 ounces (66th percentile), and Head Circumference 16 inches (75th percentile). Dr. Ritch is so good with her and so reassuring to me! We love him!

At 3 months old, Sara Elizabeth Hart is. . .
- grabbing everything she can get her hands on.
- constantly putting her hands in her mouth (which also entails lots of drool).
- almost rolling over from back to front. She just can't get her arm out of the way yet. She rolled from front to back once for Adam, but hasn't done it since.
- able to hold her head up much better, even when she's on her tummy.
- laughing when you tickle her ribs.
- almost sleeping through the night. She's made it a few times, but has not made a habit of it yet. Most nights, she makes it to about 4:30 though.
- napping in her crib during the day. She now would prefer that to falling asleep in your arms.
- still taking daily walks with Zilla and Mommy (although now she faces out in the Snugli carrier).
- loves to be sung to by Daddy. Her favorite song right now is "Don't Worry, Be Happy".
- is a wiggle worm when it's story time. She kicks and coos, and tries to grab the book. Her current favorites include The Saggy Baggy Elephant, The Pokey Little Puppy, and Old Bear.
Wake Up Smile

Holding Up My Head

Story time with Daddy

Playing with Friends

Grabbing the toys on my activity mat


Carol said...

She is growing so quickly! I need to see you guys soon.

Brandi Hart said...

Yeah. . . like Monday! :)

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