Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's A Small World

Nanette and Sara Beth cooling off in the pool
     My friend, Madeline, invited us over Friday for a morning of splashing in the baby pool. She lives just a few blocks away and has the sweetest little girl, Nanette. SB doesn't have many girl friends so we especially love playing with Nanette when we can. Madeline also invited another one of her friends from the neighborhood, Carolina, along with her little boy, Felix. After discovering that Felix and SB share the same birthday, May 1, 2010, we realized that we delivered our babies in the same hospital too. I laughed and said, "You probably heard me. I think I was pretty loud." Carolina said, "That was you?" Apparently, I was the reason that she got an epidural. She said she was considering going sans medication until she heard me. If natural childbirth sounded like that, she didn't want anything to do with it! It really is a small world after all.


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