Wednesday, September 4, 2013

John David is 4 Months Old

     Where did the time go? Four months already? That's a third of a year! Too fast! Too fast! Our little man is doing so good. He is growing up strong and healthy and big. At his 4 month check-up with Dr. Ritch yesterday, he weighed 16 pounds 1 ounce which puts him in the 75th percentile for weight. The nurse measured his length as 24 3/4 inches (50th percentile), but I think she made a mistake or something. I KNOW he is longer than average. He is wearing 9 month clothes for goodness sake!
     As I looked through our pictures, I realized something. . . we didn't do anything worth writing about this month. There was A LOT of staying inside and playing in Sara Beth's room because it's too hot outside. Ooo fun! Oh well. Here are John David's milestones for this month.

At 4 months old, John David is:
- able to grasp toys and put them in his mouth.
- drooling constantly! I guess the teething process has begun, but if he is anything like his big sister, it will take many more months before his first tooth arrives. For now, we just have to change his clothes every half hour or keep a bib on him.
- loving looking at his reflection in a mirror.
- loud! He has found a new voice this month. The sweet little coos were replaced by what sounds like fussing. His face looks happy though. Strange...
- tired of laying down all the time. He much prefers to sit in his Bumbo seat and watch whatever is going on. He'll watch Sara Beth play for a long time.
- getting better on his tummy. His neck is getting stronger and he is able to lift his head much higher than before.
- trying to learn how to roll over (sort of). His cloth diaper makes it hard for him to practice, so he has been spending lots of time sans diaper lately. It's his favorite time of day!
- a morning person. He wakes up so happy every morning. He gives some big smiles!
-still sleeping through the night (about 12 hours). That has not been the case for the last 3 nights, but we're hoping it's a short phase.
- a pro at taking his pacifier out of his mouth. He takes it out, studies it carefully, and then attempts to put it back in. He's had a few successful attempts, but usually gets a little help from us.

Sweet sleeping boy
Mommy and John David practicing our surprised face
Everything looks different when you are sitting upright
A rare afternoon outdoors
Can you get more handsome than this? Ready for church.
This is his morning face.
Enjoying diaper-free time
Love him!


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