- He is crawling, pulling up on everything, cruising along the furniture, and even standing independently for several seconds at a time. I see walking in our near future!
- He still weighs about 21 pounds and is wearing 12 month clothes. When we went for his (late) 9 month check up with Dr. Ritch, he was in the 50th percentile for weight and height and the 95th percentile in head circumference. I don't know what it is with our kids and their large heads!
- He loves food! This month we introduced him to cheese, pasta, chicken, cottage cheese, mango, asparagus, brown and white rice, cherries, corn, and Cheerios. He loves to self-feed! We are just finding it hard to figure out what is soft enough, but not too slippery.
- He is still not drinking well from a sippy cup. He is doing a little better, but he still doesn't get enough water to help with constipation. I guess he will figure it out eventually!
- After last month's bout with RSV, we thought we were done with being sick for a while. Well. . . not so much. This month we passed the stomach virus around (which was terrible). We think it started with John David, then to me, then to Sara Beth, and finally to Adam.
- He is making new sounds and doing lots of "talking". This month, we heard lots of /b/, /d/, cat, duck, dog, sister (his favorite), ball, and bye bye.
- We might as well get rid of all his toys. He plays with everything EXCEPT his toys now! His favorite thing to do is grab whatever Sara Beth is playing with and eat it or tear it up. Good thing she loves him so much!
- In an effort to break his habit of waking up to eat in the middle of the night, I've passed nighttime duty to Adam. As soon as I walk in the room, nothing else but mama's milk will do, whether he's hungry or not. Hopefully, John David will decide to start sleeping all night again soon.
- He is getting another tooth on top. It's just started to poke through the gums. I'm glad there is finally some evidence of teething since he has been soooo slobbery for so long.
- He is very happy and personable most of the time. Everyone gets a smile from him, except for me. I get crying and thumb sucking. Adam says it's because he loves me so much. Nice way to show his love, huh? That aside, he really is the sweetest little chunk you could ever imagine! We are blessed!
Just so you didn't think I was telling stories on him. . . he does cry!
Making mischief: examining the cat toy, trying to wake Snow White from sleeping death, and playing in sister's kitchen. Planting some lettuce and spinach seeds out front.
Sister is his favorite.
I don't think that's quite right, Buddy!
This is my scary face!
Showing Nonni my teeth
Cousin Annie's hand and John David's hand- Hmmmm....
Valentine's Day picnic with Daddy
10 months old
Our Winter Highlights
1 year ago
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