This month has been filled with holiday fun, lots of firsts, and tons of memory making. Sara Beth has had a two week break from school and John David has loved having big sister home. His very first Christmas was a big success. No meltdowns, lots of smiles, and tons of family time. Unfortunately, sickness has plagued our house since the Sunday before Christmas. First, Sara Beth came down with pink eye. Then, poor John David showed symptoms on Christmas morning. I've been sick for a week and just now am starting to feel much better. Hopefully, we will soon be sickness-free!
Here are John David's monthly milestones:
- He's not crawling yet, but he is very mobile. He turns circles, scoots backwards, pulls up, stands up, and even does a little planking. He rolls until he gets where he wants.
- He is doing much better with eating solids. I, however, am being quite a slacker making his food. I need to introduce a little variety into his diet. This month he ate carrots, butternut squash with cinnamon, apples, pears, and bananas.
- He is talking a lot more now. He chatters things like, "dada", "dadee", "baba", and "thithi" (sister). He also likes to stick out his tongue and blow raspberries.
- No longer is he content playing near you while you do something productive. He NEEDS your full attention!
- He's got the worse case of mama's boy-itis that we've ever seen. He can be having a blast with Adam and SB. If I happen to walk by the door, he immediately starts crying for me. I have to admit that I'm ready for this phase to be over.
- He can wave now! John David spent some time closely watching his hand open and close. Then, the waving began. Waving makes him really happy.
- On our home scale, he weighs about 20.5 pounds. He is a big boy! He is still in 12 month clothes.
- The mohawk has finally laid down. I guess his hair got long enough. I'm itching to cut his hair though. It sure would be easier.
- His digestive system has not liked the addition of solid foods. After a week or more of no poop and 7 servings of prunes, Adam finally used a drop of glycerin to get things moving.
- Gone are the full nights of sleep. He wakes up once or twice each night. I usually end up having to feed him in order to get him back to sleep. I wish I knew what was causing him to wake up. I'd certainly do my best to solve the problem! ;)
John David played the part of baby Jesus in our very first family Nativity play on Christmas Eve. He did not like it when I dressed up as Mary.
Christmas Eve 2013- Pink eye kept us from church, but we worshipped at home instead. |
Christmas Eve with Nonni and Opa |
Adam lowered the crib mattress after this. |
SB feeding little brother some yummy prunes |
Cousin Charlie is so much fun! |
JD with his great-grandfather |
Christmas morning with Daddy |
Christmas Eve with Nana and Papaw |
I lay him down on his back and he ends up like this. I guess he's a tummy sleeper