Friday, November 15, 2013

It's John David's Half Birthday!

My attempt at the 6 month chalk sign (eating pumpkins was much more fun)
JD on his half birthday: November 3, 2013
     Our sweet little guy is 6 months old! Well, he's actually 6 and 1/2 months old now, but his mommy is late writing a blog post, so let's pretend like it's really two weeks ago. OK?
     We've been busy this month, trying to take advantage of the cooler fall weather and all the activities that surround Halloween. John David tags along like a champ! He won't go to sleep in the Ergo anymore. This world is just too interesting! Big sister started preschool this month too, so we've spent a lot of time in the car, driving to and from Shreve Island Elementary School. Here's a run down of John David's 6 month milestones:
- He now has 2 little bottom teeth poking through. Teething has not been kind to him though. It seems pretty painful for him.
- Because of those troublesome teeth, he gnaws on everything! Watch out for your fingers, he bites hard!
- He sits up all the time and will play with his bucket of toys for long stretches of time now.
- No rolling over yet. Well actually, he finally did learn to roll over. That happened this week though, so it doesn't really go on this late 6 month post. ;)
- We visited the Dixie Corn Maze, the Asbury Pumpkin Patch, and the Fall Shreveport Farmer's Market this month.
- He was "Super John David" for his first Halloween. His little costume was hilarious! Our "Super family" had fun at our church's trunk-or-treat carnival.
- At his 6 month check-up, he weighed 17 lbs. 14 oz. (between the 50th and 75th percentile) and was 26 inches long (50th %). His head still measures in the genius range at 18 inches (90th%). Poor little guy had to get 4 shots and an oral vaccine that day. He ran a low fever and felt awful for the next couple days.
- His growing has slowed down a bit this month. I'm wishing I hadn't gotten all the 12 month clothes out. We are always rolling his sleeves and pants legs up.
- He makes some interesting new vocal sounds. They almost sound like words.
- He is still the happiest baby around! He gives out smiles to anyone that make eye contact.
- He is still Sara Beth's biggest fan. She pokes him and squeezes him and gets all in his face. Apparently, she is the funniest person ever!
- Our family joined us for John David's Baby Dedication at church this month. It's just a ceremony, but oh how I pray that God will guide us as we raise this little boy.

Pumpkin patch fun with friends

Trick or Treat!

One day!

Dixie Corn Maze: Just so you know. . . tractor cow trains are not very appropriate for babies

Mama's pumpkin- picked straight from the vine
Baby Dedication October 13, 2013


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