Sara Beth is very talkative and has lots of words in her vocabulary already. She can say (in her own little way) ball, book, dog, cat, Zilla, Daddy, Uh-oh, bite (for another bite of food), water, etc. All those words and no word for her mama. :-( Today, in the car, she and I were talking back and forth like we always do. I said "mama" and she would say "baba". Repeat that about 20 times and I finally figured out that "Baba" is my name. Hooray! I have a name and it is "Baba" to SB. Then, the reading teacher came out in me and I realized that when looking at your mouth, "mama" and "baba" look very similar. Your lips come together with the /m/ and /b/ sounds. So, that's where she got "Baba" from. Just thought I'd share. . .
The ONLY time Chord says "mama" is when he is crying.
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