Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sully's First Birthday

     A couple of weeks ago, we took a road trip down south to attend Sullivan Tabb's first birthday party. Sully's mom and dad are friends of ours from college. We don't get to visit them enough! After Adam got home from work on Friday, we piled in with Jeff, Nicole, and Eli Spikes and got on the road. Sara Beth did really well on the trip down to New Orleans, even though we didn't arrive until after midnight. She liked to watch all the interesting things that Eli was doing in the back seat.
     Sully's party was on Saturday and it was pirate themed. His mom, Kristin, did a great job planning the party! All the dads and their kids enjoyed swimming in the pool. Hmm. I just realized that none of the moms swam that day. Interesting. . . The food was amazing! Tabb's dad can COOK! His jambalaya was delicious! I loved watching Sully eat his smash cake. At first, he wasn't that interested. In fact, he didn't seem to like the icing getting on his hands. After a while, though, all the grown-ups started clapping for him and then he really got into it. There was icing everywhere!
     Sunday morning, Adam and Jeff cooked a big breakfast for everyone at Tabb and Kristin's house. Then we hit the road again for the long drive home. We really enjoyed out weekend with good friends! Here are some pictures. . .
Sully and Sara Beth getting to know each other.

SB liked sticking her feet in the waterfall!

You couldn't get Eli out of the pool. He's like a little fish!

Sweet Sara Beth showing off her tummy skills (and wearing the dress I made for her too).

Sully and his mom and dad

Look at that cake!

OK. This was the biggest chair I've ever seen!

Happy girl!


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