Our Christmas started with attending the Christmas Eve Candlelight service at our church. My parents and Adam's parents joined us there. We thought Sara Beth was going to do great since she was very attentive during the opening songs. I guess she was amazed by all the people singing together. When Bro. Billy called all the children down to the altar for a story, Adam took her up front. A few minutes later I heard, "See Mommy! See Mommy!" And soon after that I spot Adam and SB making their way back to our seat. From that point on she talked. . . a lot. "Man" (pointing to Bro. Billy) "Hi there!" (chatting it up with the folks behind us) "Nana" "Nonni" "Opa" "Papaw" "Baby Jesus. See it." I could keep going, but I think you get the picture, right? Still, it was a sweet time! We had dinner at home, made cookies for Santa, scattered the magic reindeer food in the yard, and read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" together.
Sadly, soon after church, Adam's mom was rushed to the hospital and ended up having to have emergency surgery. It was all very sudden, but thankfully she is recovering now. She has a few days in the hospital ahead of her, and then several months of recovery at home. I hate that she had to spend Christmas (which is also her birthday) in the hospital, but I'm so grateful that the doctors took such good care of her. We can't wait to have a belated Christmas celebration with her when she's is feeling better!
After an early morning visit to the hospital to check on his parents, Adam came home and started a new Christmas tradition. He made Christmas tree pancakes that were so adorable! He loved making them as much as we loved eating them! After breakfast, we opened gifts and then headed over to my parents' house for another celebration. We exchanged presents with my mom and dad, my brother, and two of my nieces. Then we ate a delicious lunch, prepared by my mom. Yum!
Later that afternoon, we made a hospital visit to wish Nonni and Opa a Merry Christmas. SB took a few minutes to get used to seeing her Nonni sick and in bed, but soon she was drawing pictures for her on her new magnadoodle. I certainly hope that we can have a do-over Christmas for them soon. They deserve it!
Christmas Eve and all dressed up |
Master chef at work |
Aren't they cute! |
"Hello!" |
The first of many hours of kitchen pretend play |
Vroom, vroom! Watch out! Lots of power, but no brakes. |