My bread machine has really been getting a workout lately! Cooking and baking is what I do when I'm bored, and boy have I been bored these last few weeks. Sara Beth and I have fallen into somewhat of a routine and she isn't taking every moment of my attention anymore on most days. Daytime television is lame; shopping isn't much fun when you're a penny pincher like me; and it's too hot and humid to take Sara Beth outside past 9:00am. So, pretty much after our daily walk with Zilla and some Mommy and baby exercises, I'm just killing time between feeding her and changing her diaper.
Monday night, Adam and I were watching "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" on Food Network and I started craving a really good hamburger. So, what did I do Tuesday? I made homemade hamburger buns so we could have burgers for dinner. They came out so good that I thought I'd share the recipe with you. It wasn't much work at all if you have a bread machine. The burgers were juicy and delicious (Thanks to Adam for such a great job grilling them!) and were served with a green bean/mango salad and some leftover zucchini cornbread casserole. I even had Adam grill pineapple for dessert. I whipped up some heavy cream to top it all off. So yummy!
I remembered the pictures this time:
From top to bottom: Portioned out dough after the 1st rise in the bread machine, After the 2nd rise, Fresh out of the oven, and Our dinner plates